Application for Beta Tester

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Before you Sign-up

Please note that all the information you submit on this form will not be sold or given to any third party. This information is used solely to provide a pool of testers for Andy3ware software. Please do not use this form to send comments to Andy3ware. The beta tester applications are not read on a regular schedule. Please use the suggestion form, or the various bug report forms for the specific product instead.

Not everyone who completes this form will become a beta tester. When new software or a new version of current software is ready for testing, applicants are randomly selected from the pool of qualified applications. Please do not submit support requests with this form, as they are not read until beta testers are needed.

Contact Information

Please provide as much information as you can so that I can contact you when it is time for beta testing.

E-mail (required)


Please let me know what kind of computer you are running. You can get most of this information by right clicking on My Computer and selecting Properties.   Check both the General tab and the Device Manager tab.

RAM (Memory)
Video Card Video RAM
Sound Card


Please select which languages you are fluent in.

English Spanish French
Japanese German Italian
Dutch Portuguese Swedish
Russian Esperanto Swahili
Thai Chinese Korean




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Last Updated: July 08, 2004