Language Packs

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When you download Star Trek for Windows 9x, you can set it for any language you want! To install these add on packs for Star Trek for Windows 9x, extract them to a temporary directory and run SETUP.EXE.  Either let the program find your Star Trek folder for you, or click the Browse button to point to the folder yourself.

Language Packs

  • Spanish / Español (Version 1.0)
    • Incluye mensajes de los sistemas solares. (Aunque hubo algunos implicados en este esfuerzo, va un agradecimiento especial para los dos que llevaron adelante el heroico esfuerzo de brindar esta versión en español al público: Julio Lindner y Rick Lancaster.)
    • Includes solar system messages. (Although there were many testers involved in this effort, a special thank you goes out to two who put forth an heroic effort to bring this Spanish version to the public, Julio Lindner and Rick Lancaster.)


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Last Updated: July 08, 2004